Hapiness is an ezine redescovered

October 3, 2005

No, I’m not being paid for this, but I want to share it none the less, I’ve been looking at all sorts of money moneying things to complement the b5media blogs and what should I stumble upon: Affiliateprograms.com.

I read this ezine for years (probably 10??) and somewhere along the way, probably when I last changed ISP email accounts I didn’t renew and then totally forgot about it. Allan Gardyne, the writer because very sick for a while and there wasn’t a lot being put out which is probably why I forgot about it but I’m happy to say Allan’s still kicking strong. Just signed up again and looking forward to reading it again.

3 responses to Hapiness is an ezine redescovered

  1. Shouldn’t Affiliateprograms.com be Associateprograms.com ?
    Is it a typo ?

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  1. ofmaonoaim - March 6, 2006

