Is Day Job Killer using fake product endorsements?

February 7, 2007

The latest and greatest ebook out there (again): Day Job Killer (not an affiliate link). I must have half a dozen emails from marketing gurus in my inbox all pushing the program. I must admit, I’m tempted to buy it, Affiliate Project X wasn’t a bad read, but there’s one big question though, is the program using fake product endorsements?


Joe Birstle, Perth, Australia

That’s my neck of the woods, sort of, well give or take 200kms. Interesting name, one problem, if this guy is real he doesn’t exist in the phone book:


He could potentially have a silent number, I do, but the odds of that are about 1 in several thousand. I also can’t find any mention of him on Google either, aside from the Day Job Killer affiliate sites. The guy literally doesn’t exist online, and as we all know, that’s next to near impossible. If it smells fishy it probably is. Food for thought.


8 responses to Is Day Job Killer using fake product endorsements?

  1. If it smells like fish……..

    Well it could be a scam (or at best, poor value for money)

  2. The sad thing for me Urban is that it could actually be a half decent product, at least as e-book get rich quick ebooks go, but doing something like this (ie false testimonials) isn’t good form

  3. Day Job Killer is not what everyone thinks it is. Check out this post.

    Not worry, this is not an endorsement or a spam link. It’s just the opposite.

  4. People use fake product endorsements all the time. How else are the vendors getting all these testimonials before their product launches? Of course, he could’ve sent out advance copies to gather testimonials, but this guy doesn’t strike me as the type to go to the trouble when he could just as easily make some up. Day Job Killer is a highly overpriced e-book, in my opinion, so much so that I got a refund on mine. There’s a review up on the front page of my site if you care to check it out.

  5. I’ve bought products from the author before, and I guess while it’d surprise me if he used a fake endorsement, it wouldn’t really surprise me…

    He does have a style that is very effective for him, though.

    I’ll admit that I did enjoy reading the guide and have made money with the product from day 1 which for me is the true test of all these “make money” books – can you actually make money with it.

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  1. Is Day Job Killer using fake product endorsements? - Google Adsense, Google Adwords - February 7, 2007

    […] Original post by and software by Elliott Back Tags: ecommerce, web hosting, search engine marketing, search engine optimization […]

  2. Clickbank Require Disclosure - A-List Bloggers Totally Missed the Point In December : Blog Archive Andy Beard - February 8, 2007

    […] Duncan Riley’s research into one of the endorsements on the Day Job Killer sales page is also intriguing. There is also the possibility it is a real person, or a real testimonial with a made up pen name. […]

  3. RainXHX » Clickbank Require Disclosure - A-List Bloggers Totally Missed the Point In December - February 9, 2007

    […] Duncan Riley’s research into one of the endorsements on the day job killer sales page is also intriguing. There is also the possibility it is a real person, or a real testimonial with a made up pen name. […]