Italy 1 Australia 0, Australia robbed.

June 26, 2006

At 12:52 am WST, Australia loses to Italy in the last second by a dodgy penalty in the goal box awarded to Italy.

Simply, we were robbed. I wonder how much Italy paid the referee.


Update: Australia agrees, we were robbed.

6 responses to Italy 1 Australia 0, Australia robbed.

  1. I didn’t see it, but I’m very sad that the Azzurri thugs are advancing. This is worse than the Three Yawning Lions.

  2. DUNCAN!

    I lost track of you after you sold Blog Herald! Good to see you’re doing well over here.

    Anyway, man, what a crushing loss. The Australian defender should have known not to go down in the box against the Italians.

    The penalty kick was awarded at 2:42 of extra time.

  3. Yeah, too bad the ref didn’t send any more Italian players off. The Aussies might have actually scored a goal then.

  4. It is no use doing what you like.

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