I’ve Been Threatened With Legal Action by MyMac

October 19, 2007

Interesting call from MyMac Melbourne who weren’t happy with my previous post about them selling me an incomplete iSight kit.

The conversation started well (not): they immediately demanded that I remove the post and YouTube video I put up or I’d be hearing from their lawyers.My response was simply that I want the missing parts to the iSight.

Response was that “I knew what I was getting because it was on the invoice”….to which I simply responded simply that I knew what was in a complete iSight kit and I wasn’t told when buying it that it was incomplete…which then resulted in a cyclical argument relating to the invoice! WTF? According to MyMac I should read the invoice I receive after I purchase the goods to see what I’m not getting. (for the record I may have glanced at the invoice when I got home, but certainly not while I was in the shop).

The argument degraded from there, with several threats that I’d be hearing from MyMacs lawyers. In the end I told the guy to f*ck off and hung up, probably not the most clever thing to do but he was yelling over the phone demanding that I remove the video. I’ve never, ever been treated so poorly or spoken to in this fashion by a company I’ve spent my good money with buying goods. I gave him as many chances I could to resolve it reasonably to absolutely no avail: the notion that the customer is always right is TOTALLY lost on these people, because in their mind selling an incomplete iSight kit without full disclosure is the right thing to do. I wonder if they treat all their customers this way?

If someone more reasonable from MyMac would like to call to discuss this in a more civil manner I’m more than happy to talk to them again. But simply I knew what was suppose to be in an iSight kit and I when I got home it wasn’t there AND NO ONE at MyMac warned me that the kit was incomplete. I wouldn’t have bought it if I had known that for $450 (which may I add is pretty expensive for a web cam) I wasn’t getting the full kit.

If I don’t get a call or email from MyMac Melbourne I’ll be contacting both Apple and the ACCC. I mentioned previously that I was going to contact Apple; I never did because although I was pissy about not getting the mounts there are far more important things in the world to worry about…so I probably only cared for about 5 minutes then never gave it another thought….until today 🙂

I’ve played the video again: the whole tale is true so I’m not sure what grounds they are suing me over…I’m still waiting for my mounts and MyMac didn’t sell me the full package. FACT. Perhaps it’s just a case of a company thinking it can bully an unhappy customer. Sorry MyMac: I’m not the person in the wrong here.

7 responses to I’ve Been Threatened With Legal Action by MyMac

  1. Throw Section 52 of the Trade Practices Act at them Duncan.

    Misleading or deceptive conduct

    (1) A corporation shall not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive.

    (2) Nothing in the succeeding provisions of this Division shall be taken as limiting by implication the generality of subsection (1).

  2. Wow. You give them praise and they sue you when they screw up.

  3. Unbelievable. I came across this on kwoff and I could hardly believe it. Let us know if you setup a legal fighting fund although perhaps you can find someone to help pro bono. I wonder if they will sue themselves for possible lost business resulting from the apparently outrageous manner in which they have handled this.

  4. I’d just like to let you know i’ve refferred the purchase of a my soon to be fully spec’d mac book pro @ 5K aus to my mac flinders. I’ve had pathetic repair service from them also relating to the logic board in my current MBP – they replaced the logic board @ $1600 becuase it was shutting down randomly . . turns out it was the third party ram id installed. You’d think service TECHNICIANS would have better skills.

    Kinda like taking your car to the mechanics and them telling you need a new engine, because your car wont start and all it needed was a starter motor . .

  5. I meant Next byte bourke st ! doh !

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Two Australian bloggers facing legal issues arising from their blogs : The Local - October 21, 2007

    […] #2 Duncan Riley is being theatened with legal action after he wrote a blog post and video review about his poor shopping experience at My Mac […]

  2. MyMac Melbourne Threatens Blogger - November 4, 2009

    […] legal action. However MyMac Melbourne did the opposite they took a bad situation and made it worse threatening to sue him. Also be sure to check out the MyMac Melbourne you Tube […]