Like Meatloaf through a Straw: Understanding the Web 2.0 soap opera this week

December 15, 2006

If you’re like 99.999999999% of the population who are struggling to keep up with this weeks Web 2.0 soap opera, let me humbly present the solution to your problems. Compliments of and far too long stuffing around on MS Publisher (I don’t have access at the moment to InDesign, I’ll need to fix that), I present the Web 2.0 soap opera graph. It’s too large to put into a jpg, or convert into html, so as long as you’re able to read a PDF document enjoy. I’d note that it is a short and brief version, to fit every single last thing that has been said and done this week onto a chart would require atleast an A1 sized document…and they don’t present to well on most computers 🙂



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5 responses to Like Meatloaf through a Straw: Understanding the Web 2.0 soap opera this week

  1. this is the first thing in 36 hours that has made me smile. Thank you.

  2. Wow…

    Now if you could just put together a PowerPoint presentation of that…

  3. I loved your graphic. It seriously eases the tension and I hope the actors can laugh about it like Mr. Arrington has done. I loved the part about nothing being complete without Scoble’s take on the issue. He’ll get a kick out of it. 🙂

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. BuzzMachine » Blog Archive » Is recess over yet - December 15, 2006

    […] * Duncan Riley’s PDF charting of l’affairington. […]

  2. A Web 2.0 Soap Opera : Qwerky, Notebook of the Weirdest New Web 2.0 Names! - December 24, 2006

    […] In one of the more popular areas of the webosphere (slash blogosphere), a soap opera has just bubbled up. This involves Mr. Web 2.0, who dissed the New York Times, much to the dismay of fellow A-list bloggers. […]