New Australian blog network launched

admin —  February 19, 2007 — 1 Comment

Phil Sim has the details. I wish them luck, particularly with Gizmodo Australia, but I ask this simple question: WTF do mainstream media folk know about blogging? I mean the best they can come up with in terms of how the new company “Allure” will operate is that they are ripping Nick Dentons model from Gawker (verbatim admission there, not me just saying this) which is 3-4 years old itself and arguably (and I’d think totally) past its used by date. They’re also entering by the far the most over saturated and highly competitive verticals within blogging, gadgets and gossip. Yikes! people said I was stupid when I launched Weblog Empire with a Gadget Blog two years ago, I was, and yet Allure will be rehashing the content from Gizmodo and adding stuff presumably from Australia, the gadget capital of the world. Not. Again though, I wish them luck 🙂