NY Times looking for a WordPress developer

September 23, 2006

Michael over at the Solostream blog posts that the NY Times is looking for a WordPress developer. As much as it’s nice to know that even a huge MSM company like the NY Times group is using WordPress, the criteria is a bit rough, in particular “2-3 years experience developing and maintaining WordPress blogs”. That would mean you’d have to have started developing for WordPress prior to September 2004. Given WordPress didn’t really take off in a huge way prior to the MT 3.0 launch in mid 2004 it’s pushing things, and even looking at the Whois record for WordPress, the domain was only registered in March 2003…ie, WordPress itself is only 3 1/2 years old! Getting someone with 3 years experience is well….a very big ask indeed 🙂


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3 responses to NY Times looking for a WordPress developer

  1. This is absolutely typical of the inanity of recruiting that drives me crazy. Asking for a level of experience that is literally impossible. The vast majority of HR departments and recruiters should be taken out and shot.

  2. Amusing, my favorite was when HR departments where asking for 10 years of Java experience when it was created less then 5 years before hand.
    No wonder people fudge their resumes.

    PHP apps being used in big companies for quite some time. They have been though as taboo and only talked about behind closed doors.

  3. Good website and nice content. Thank you master!