Second Life as a Virtual Meeting Place

October 8, 2007

One of the cool things I’m finding with Second Life + voice is its ability to act as a virtual meeting place, not unlike getting together with a few people at a bar and having a chinwag.

On Saturday, TPN Island hosted about 20 people in a chat on everything ranging to politics, Podcamp, Second Life itself and some other stuff in between.

It was a totally spontaneous meetup as well. I noticed Cam Reilly and Nick Hodge were there so I teleported in and Twittered it, then the crowd grew from there. I can’t put names to everyone who was there, but I know a lot of the folks either via Twitter or through my Web 2.0 + WA connections (or both).

The key was voice. Think a Skype conference call but with virtual visualization and with more ppl: certainly Skype would struggle to handle that many people on a call, where Second Life handled it really, really well.

Pics on Flickr for those interested.

Picture 13

3 responses to Second Life as a Virtual Meeting Place

  1. Hitesh Prajapati February 15, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    Hello Duncan Riley sir.
    My name is Hitesh Prajapati.
    i am software engineer From india.
    i have developed some network software using socket programming in dotnet.
    now i am interested make Virtual meeting Place Software using socket programming and directx SDK. bcos it is related with some 3d graphics.
    currently i m looking for some simple exaple for creating virtual 3D place in C# and DirectX SDK.
    if u have some idea then request u to advice me and give me some path in right direction.
    i hope u will reply me………..

  2. I thin it's cool this is really indicate a good feeling with have a sweet collection.

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  1. Perceptive Travel Blog » Blog Archive » 6 ways travelers can use social media - October 9, 2007

    […] his Twitter feed to see what sort of sociable stuff he’s doing,?Ǭ†including experimenting with SL as a virtual meeting place.?Ǭ†?Ǭ† It’s almost as good as traveling […]