Socail Bookmarking Icons are yuk?

admin —  November 2, 2006 — 1 Comment

37Signals on the rise of Social Bookmarking Icons at the bottom of blog posts. OK, so we use these icons on b5media, however when I’ve set them up I’ve never used the default 55 different odd social bookmarking services in one line setting, I’ve always set them only to services I believe readers are more likely to use. In our case:, Digg, Spurl, Furl and Yahoo. Admitedly I’ve never used Spurl or Furl, but certainly I had heard of them when we started rolling these buttons out on some of our blogs, and hence that list of 5 became the standard. In retrospect I’d probably delete one of the *url sites and put Reddit in its place, but I’ll leave that for another day. As for others with all these button, I ask this question: why the hell are you offering buttons to services you’ve never heard of, or used? OK, so there’s some benefit in offering some of these buttons, but 20, 30 and even more services? I don’t agree with 37signals, I do believe there is a place for them, but everything is better in moderation. Pick 5, and leave it at that.