Staying on at 901am

April 16, 2007

I posted the other day about Splashpress Media taking over 901am, and that I’d be reviewing my position there.

As much as I’ve got a bit of history with the folks that have bought the site, walking away isn’t my thing. Indeed, I only leave anything under threat of being fired :-). Minic Rivera has taken over as Editor (formerly Editor of The Blogging Times) and he’s the sort of guy I’d happily defend and work for any day, and considering all things, my issues in the past with the new owners are minor, indeed petty in the big picture of things.

I’ve offered to continue writing at 901am, and as far as I can tell that’s been accepted, although it took a new login and password (the old one mysteriously disappeared) to seal the deal. I’ve also offered to have a chat with representatives on the new owners, be it skype chat or voice; what I do know is that Splashpress is doing so great things, I’ve got all the time in the world for the Pinoy Blogosphere (little secret: some of the worlds best bloggers come from the Philippines), and I’m sure in time we could be the best of friends, and if they’re open, I am.

My original agreement wasn’t exclusive, so I’m still open to offers if people have them, can’t go into the details publicly but a couple of writing gigs wouldn’t go astray, but I do look forward to continuing at 901am, and I hope that the great community (particularly with comments) continues. It was a lot of fun, and I’m hoping it will continue to be so under the new ownership.

Postnote: I got out of the habit of posting regularly there, give me a couple of days to ramp it up again.