Archives For Medacity

Planning Medacity 2.0

November 7, 2011

We’re over 3 months in with Medacity now, and although I still believe the focus and idea is a good one, without a round of funding and the ability to truly own the space, we’re not going well.

I believe we’ve done well, and we’ve had some good hits. But the overall traffic hasn’t been great at all. At least, it’s not growing at a sustainable rate.

It’s blogging: sometimes you hit well, sometimes you don’t. But when you don’t hit well, you know it’s time to change.

The Inquisitr (my last site) had 4 different templates, covered new areas then dropped them, and ended up a very different site to when it started. But I do know when I sold it, it was doing 8m pv on over 1.8m uniques. Change was part of that process.

And hence it’s time to change Medacity.

I’m consulting with the writing team now, but I’m thinking broadly that we’re going to move into tech (while still covering New Media), particularly startups and broader tech, but not gadgets.

I’m naturally disappointed the initial idea didn’t take, but when has any idea I’ve had (or many others for that matter) taken initially?

I think of Loic LeMuer and Jason Calacanis as my inspirations: two blokes who keep changing to try to hit that ultimate win.

It’s still early days, and I have the core of the same awesome writing team I had at The Inquisitr writing for me, a team that has already proved themselves from 1m to 8m page views.

I’d welcome your thoughts as to the direction we should head towards as well.

It’s been just over a month since we launched Medacity, and although it’s still very early days, I thought I’d share some thoughts on how we are going so far.

As per the headline, there is still a bloody long road ahead for the site.

I won’t give specific figures but I’m confident we’ll come in at 20-25k pv for this month at our current rate.

I’m really only counting this month vs the launch month due to something that happened at home that I won’t discuss, only that it was significant enough for me basically to be away from the site for several weeks: the timing was horrible, but it wasn’t in my control. That situation is partially ongoing, but it’s passed to the point that not only am I writing again f/t, but I’m also active daily in working out ways to drive more traffic to the site.

The team is going well, and we also added Steven Hodson to the lineup at the beginning of the month, bringing the writing team to four (including myself.) Bringing in Steven means that we have a constant stream of opinion writing as well as the general new media news.

If the lineup sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the same lineup as the three key writers at The Inquisitr (note, I haven’t poached them, as far as I know they are still all writing there.)

But this is a completely new focus for all of them, after working with all of them for the better part of two years (Steven might have been 2.5 yrs, but I know Kim and James came in early in the second year on Inq) I have complete faith in each of them as writers. The best sign of any writer is their ability to write about anything, and The Inquisitr was always a perfect test with its broad range of topic coverage.

My general feeling is that we’re getting the content mix right, but unlike when we launched The Inquisitr, we simply don’t have the same profile I had back then at launch, and hence we didn’t have a huge attention boost at launch. Couple that with the fact that we are writing very specific niche content that doesn’t have that broad range of appeal the content at The Inquisitr had.

Given the narrow content stream I think we’re going ok.

20k pv doesn’t pay the bills, and we’re running Adsense ads at the moment as well as we won’t qualify for any major ad network yet. But even on the few clicks we get, the idea that by running premium niche content is proving itself true: I’m not sure if Google allows me to talk about CPM rates but lets just say that I’ve never once seen higher CPM’s from Adsense before, and we’re doing rates 10-20x higher on Adsense than The Inquisitr ever did.

The only key now is to find the traffic.

I’ve said many times in the past that it takes a good 9 months to prove whether a blog will work (I know Jason Calacanis says it’s 2 yrs, but I disagree with that) and we can hold out for 9-12 months without any major dramas.

This is, in many ways, a new learning experience for me as well, and I learn more every day. Indeed that’s half the reason I’m doing the site: I love a new challenge, and Medacity was always going to be a challenge from the day I came up with the idea.

We even had our first major exclusive today. The mind boggles how many people will notice it, but it’s one of those stand out posts I love to write, and I sincerely hope that it does find a broader audience because I do believe I broke a major story.

I’m confident going forward, but there is a long road ahead.

Thx to everyone who has supported us so far. I’ll be back in coming months with the good, and (hopefully not) the bad about how the site is progressing

MELBOURNE, Australia, August 12, 2011 – Web content development company Nichenet Pty Ltd today announced the launch of its latest online property Medacity (

The new site focuses on the latest news from the new media sector, covering big content (AOL, Yahoo, Demand Media and similar companies), video, audio, blogging, hyperlocal, mainstream media (where those companies have new media properties), service providers and aggregators.

The site will be headed by Nichenet CEO and Founder Duncan Riley, who has a long history in online publishing, having previously published The Blog Herald and The Inquisitr, written for TechCrunch, and was a co-founder of blogging network b5media.

“The idea of Medacity came about after I realized that no one in the market was exclusively covering the new media sector as a whole” said Riley. “Medacity seeks to fill a gap in the market by providing comprehensive coverage of the latest news and views from across the new media sector.”

“I started my online publishing career by establishing the very first site to cover the then new industry of blogging back in 2003 with The Blog Herald. In Medacity I have gone back to my roots with a site that seeks to chronicle the rise of the new media industry and age.”

Joining the Medacity team at launch with Riley are two Inquisitr veterans, James Johnson and Kim LaCapria.

“Medacity is an exciting project, it’s the first website to exclusively cover new media news and what new media could and should become in the future.” said Johnson. “With a team of new media veterans directing Medacity’s content I look forward to the industry being further explored, explained and exposed.”

Kim LaCapria added “I jumped at the chance to write about the space exclusively-
particularly during such a massive paradigm shift within the medium. The amount of relevant news on which to report seems to be increasing exponentially.”


Duncan Riley
t: +61 412844237