The Australian TV tour

admin —  May 8, 2006 — 2 Comments

Yep, I’m finally got my holiday booked. I couldn’t get a passport in time (then get the Visa’s and what not) so it’s totally domestic travel for me.

As much as I plan to spend some time laying on a beach, I’ve decided to go a bit quirky as well. It’s been a while since I’ve travelled (building houses and working for yourself sort of limits the budget) so I’m doing the highlight’s of Australian TV Tour.

Starting next Sunday I’m in Row 4 at the Big Brother Eviction Special at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast. I’ve also got tickets to the Cocktail Party before hand, so expect some pictures of me with D grade celebrities as well (Tilly and Elise anyone?? 🙂 ).

I’ll be spending a few days on the Gold Coast, before I jet down to Sydney later in the week (my old home town) where I’ve applied (but not yet confirmed) tickets to The Chasers War on Everything on Thursday. Then back to WA Saturday.

If any bloggers out there want to catch up for a bite to eat, or say gday in Sydney in particular, drop me a line. I’m only there 4 days, but it would be nice to meet some bloggers while I’m there.

Extra: I should have added, I really wanted to be in the audience for The Glass House but they are in Melbourne that week, and it’s too cold to go to Melbourne this time of year 🙂