Bobby is as rough as guts

admin —  May 8, 2006 — Leave a comment

As part of the impending Australia TV tour, while I’m in Sydney I feel obliged to go an jump around Martin Place with a large sign for Sunrise, as many American would do for the NBC Today Show.

But talking of Mel and Kochie, I also looked into attended Where are they Now, only because I’ve got an empty intinery so far, but the recording is the same time as The Chaser. Don’t know if anyone caught it last Sunday, but I saw a little bit of it during an ad break for Big Brother. They re-united the original Home and Away cast. Now Home and Away started in 88, the Bicentential Year, the year I started High School and Year 7. Nicole Dickson was on the show. Her character was “Bobby”. What can I say. With some people age is kind. With Nicole….jeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus. Rough as Guts. Perhaps it’s best I’m not there 🙂