The open ad marketplace?

May 10, 2006

Jeff Jarvis calls for Open Source advertising and metric solutions to help bring Advertisers and Bloggers together. A rather socialist suggestion from a right wing blogger I’d think. But I can’t help that think that maybe Jeff Jarvis doesn’t know enough about the advertising industry, because there is no way in hell that you are going to get ad execs to agree on open standards, particularly just for blogs. Some firms might, and good on them, but the industry as a whole? Very, very wishful thinking.

One response to The open ad marketplace?

  1. Well, the industry came together and agreed on open standards at the Internet Advertising Bureau.
    I have talked to advertisers — including the man quoted, the head of strategy for one of the largest media agencies in the world, Publicis — who endorses this.
    And I’m not a right-wing blogger.