Vista dreaming

admin —  February 1, 2007 — Leave a comment

Despite all the hype about Windows Vista I’ve not felt the need to run off to the shops and buy a copy, after all, what exactly does it do that XP doesn’t do? having said that however, I love to play with new things, so I remembered today that the Acer Laptop I bought in December came with a Vista upgrade voucher. I naturally presumed there would be some sort of cost involved, but it was a voucher none the less. This is where it gets interesting.

So the intructions say to ring the appropriate number for your country, which I do. Within a couple of seconds I could tell the call had been routed offshore…you could hear the line quality. First option: do you speak English, press 1. So I press 1. 20 minutes later, I get an operator, but the “do you speak English” part might have been a moot point, it wasn’t an Indian Call Centre but at a guess mainland China. So I explain the situation, it doesn’t compute, and about 10 minutes later I get through to the operator what I’m saying. Great, you’ll need to scan a copy of your purchase receipt and a copy of the Certificate of Authenticity, and send it to the email address you’ll get in the email Acer will send you. Two problems. 3 hours later: NO EMAIL. second problem, the Certificate of Authenticity consists of a sticker on the bottom of the laptop, how exactly am I suppose to scan it (photo below). I await with interest the email, and look forward to sending the picture :-)…good news I guess, free upgrade via Acer….if I ever get the email.



