What if the problem wasn’t Rugby League’s alone?

May 22, 2009

This whole debate over player behavior in Rugby League is bizarre. On the radio the other morning, John Faine went as far as comparing RL to AFL, suggesting that the problem was one of Rugby League’s alone.

Of course that’s bollocks. Anyone who has ever been around a football club of any code knows that these problems are evident in all, and you only have to go through the record of the AFL and see players there mucking up.

But what if the problem was one of sport, or male team sport in particular?

Consider this: DUIs the biggest off-field problem for NFL

The drinking problem is happening in the US as well. The difference in the US perhaps is that group sex wouldn’t raise an eyebrow.

4 responses to What if the problem wasn’t Rugby League’s alone?

  1. What if its just a problem with Society in general and any group of men is a possible one for this sort of thing. I definitely wouldn't rule the AFL out as possibly being involved in this behavior.

  2. What if its just a problem with Society in general and any group of men is a possible one for this sort of thing. I definitely wouldn't rule the AFL out as possibly being involved in this behavior.

  3. What if its just a problem with Society in general and any group of men is a possible one for this sort of thing. I definitely wouldn't rule the AFL out as possibly being involved in this behavior.

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  1. What if the problem wasn 39 t Rugby League alone | volleyball equipment - June 15, 2009

    […] What if the problem wasn 39 t Rugby League alone Posted by root 17 minutes ago (http://duncanriley.com) But what if the problem was one of sport or male team sport in particular consider this duis the biggest your comment is awaiting approval by a moderator view profile powered by disqus learn more close reblog this comment get smart with the thesis wordpre Discuss  |  Bury |  News | What if the problem wasn 39 t Rugby League alone […]