Why Americans worry the rest of the world

May 4, 2006

Anyone say insular??


Despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the damage from Hurricane Katrina, nearly one-third of young Americans recently polled couldn’t locate Louisiana on a map and nearly half were unable to identify Mississippi.

Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 fared even worse with foreign locations: six in 10 couldn’t find Iraq, according to a Roper poll conducted for National Geographic.

More here. Makes you wonder….doesn’t it.


5 responses to Why Americans worry the rest of the world

  1. It is pretty lame. And yes, I am one of the four that can find Iraq

  2. In response to the question on fortified boarders, I wonder how many responded East & West Germany, or similar?

  3. Its really pathetic.. On CNN I just watched and they had to blur out some woman’s face after she couldn’t locate Iraq on a map.

  4. Sometimes I wonder if this is just an American thing or if it is a problem world wide. My conclusion is that it is fairly common among young people world-wide, but America would probably come out worst.

  5. Look at a map of the world (the US is just a v.small part) sometime…