Will WordCamp result in a new blogging elite

August 6, 2006

I’ve been following a fair bit of WordCamp coverage online today, and I can’t help but think: is this the start of the new blogging elite? and I mean that in a positive way, not a negative, after all, there’s no Dave Winer, Robert Scoble or the other usual suspects at this conference. Sure, you’ve got the newly VC funded Om Malik, but if anything Om is new guard, not old guard. Wish I could have been there, some great speakers, people I’ve been following in the Blogosphere but aren’t part of the old guard like Prince Campbell (chartruse)…..it’s bloody great stuff. Viva la new guard! Lets just hope this is the first of many new guard conferences to come…I might even be able to eventually discover how to get on a plane and attend one 🙂

9 responses to Will WordCamp result in a new blogging elite

  1. I can’t agree with you enough on this one — No winer, no scoble, no searls… Instead you had Brazell, Char leading sessions.. you had Krug covering the conference along with others.

    A new elite? we can only hope.


  2. Yeah to bad you werent there. But I dont think a new blogging elite will emerge. In fact I think you will see a non blogging elite emerge as a result of stuff like this.

  3. Maybe elite was the wrong word…but you get the idea.

  4. You know, I don’t know who

    …Dave Winer, Robert Scoble or the other usual suspects…

    are. I have been using the internet since 1996. I don’t seem to end up at their sites when I’m looking for interesting reads or other crazy personalities (likeminds) to stalk and eventually leave a comment on.

    Maybe what is happening is artists (creative people) are able to use the web more efficiently today, than back in the day. Through blogging we get to share what we know, discover, colaborate and learn. It’s an experience unlike any other to be able to communicate with so many and vice versa. New ideas are born this way.

    And by the way I came here via the Blog Herald.

  5. Nice blog

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Podcast 2006.2: All things WordCamp at The Blog Herald - August 6, 2006

    […] Duncan Riley: A New Blogging Elite? […]

  2. [gonzo]musings on professional blogging - August 13, 2006

    The WordCamp 2006 Overview & Wrapup – from 7875 Miles Away!…

    Note: There are updates at the end of the post.
    Yup. WordCamp 2006 was held over the weekend in sunny San Francisco and from all accounts it was a raging success.
    Of course, me being down here in Melbourne, Australia I’m 7,875 long bloody miles …