YouTube Hacked!

admin —  June 2, 2006 — 13 Comments

Just went to view a video at YouTube, and got this screen:


There also appears to be music playing at the site as well.Not sure of the extent of it, whether accounts have been compromised or not, but certainly someone must be asleep at YouTube HQ at the moment.

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Update: the music was on another page, not YouTube.

Further Update: it looks as though the hacking was a very poor attempt at humour by the YouTube team with this being posted:

UPDATE: No, we haven’t been hacked. Get a sense of humor.

UPDATE 2: Apparently we can’t spel.

UPDATE 3: Please stop calling the office, we’re trying to work in here

That’s the way to keep yourself onside with your users, put up a spoof hack attack. Any one for Yahoo Video??