Todays philosophical thought.
Does your collective wisdom and experience mean diddly squat when no body believes you?
Is it futile in trying when those parallel to you or above you won’t accept facts because those facts are inconvenient to their overall picture of how things should be?
Is it futile trying to persuade the unpersuadable? do you as a consequence accept that you have no place in which to make input that will be listened to, or do you take your bat and ball and leave, seeking greener pastures elsewhere?
Is a key sign that all is lost one where the answer to your questions in relation to a wanted outcome or issue is inevitably no, and yet others act without even asking the question to start with and with no actual consequences to these actions?
Is doing the “right” thing, discussing things prior to action, and by association seeking permission, a flawed concept in modern business practice? Do those who inevitably win the day those that don’t play by these rules? Indeed, are these rules dead?
Food for thought.
This sounds like watercooler talk.
Oi, let me in on the watercooler talk – I (used) to luv office politics, gossip, bitchiness. 🙂
What up?
Just me being deep 🙂
Duncan – way too deep for me (at this early hour) – now explain this sudden deepness … c’mon, mate – spill it. 🙂
David – Porn Crunch!!! Nice 😉 Seeing your tags I see you like lesbians, eh?
PornCrunch lesbians. It’s a war of the masses. Stumbling around on the b5 server I did find some porn — well i guess not.
Penis Network News
Dunc can you atleast fill me in on this new b5media venture ?
This fuckr keeps calling me duncan now.
I sense some ripples in the b5waters here..
Did you say Nipples or Ripples ?
Fixed, I’ve got no idea why it keeps calling you me David, the email notifications have your name as well? 🙂