Arrrrrrrrr, its another odious R Web 2.0 name, this time from Odeo

July 17, 2006

Twttr, according to TechCrunch, is a Web 2.0 app from Odeo that allows you to mass spam people via mobile phone txt, and then let everyone read what you sendspam people’s mobiles with online, sort of like group sex in front of a web cam for txt, but although I don’t suggest for one minute that Evan Williams, the genious behind Blogger is a Wankr, peolpe who think that somehow a new name will still be Web 2.0 cool in 2006 just because of they finish it with an “R” sound like Wankr’s to me 🙂

It should also be noted: the meaning of Twit: To taunt, ridicule, or tease, especially for embarrassing mistakes or faults…perhaps I’ve become a Twttr after all 🙂


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6 responses to Arrrrrrrrr, its another odious R Web 2.0 name, this time from Odeo

  1. but at least this aren’t as bad.

  2. I stumbled across this old post after reading seeing after seeing this on Twitter: and then seeing this post in the trackbacks on the TC post. I know that you use Twitter quite a bit today (I am a follower!). Doesn’t it seem odd that this idea didn’t go over well when it was initially launched?

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