comScore, Techcrunch ignore Skype as an IM

admin —  July 25, 2006 — 4 Comments

Interesting post over at Techcrunch today on the latest IM usage figures…but both the figures from comScore, and Techcrunch themselves totally ignore one IM client: and that’s Skype.

I use Skype as my IM client, and so do most people I know. Why, well first and foremost everyone actually uses their real names: makes it a whole lot easier communicating with people when you know who you’re instant messaging with, + obviously the voice functionality, although most other clients provide this as well, it’s just that Skype is the default for voice for most people these days, at least in the blogging/ Web 2.0 field.

But I digress: you can’t have a serious analysis of IM without include Skype in those figures. I’d be interested to here if other people use Skype in the same way as I do…I may be a little biased because it’s become a defacto communications system for b5media, but still…it’s a great IM app.

