Up to 60 people dead, hundreds, possibly thousands of homes lost, and Senator Bob Brown (leader of the Australian Greens) uses the opportunity to warn people about global warming
More fires to come as climate change continues: Bob Brown
Global warming is predicted to make this sort of event happen 25 per cent, 50 per cent more,” he told Sky News.
“It’s a sobering reminder of the need for this nation and the whole world to act and put at a priority our need to tackle climate change.”
What, arsonists are gong be more prevalent with global warming…because that’s who the CFA is blaming for at least some of the fires. And wow, like we’ve never had deadly fires before either.
Bob Brown, you’re an insensitive little turd who seeks to gain political capital off the deaths of your fellow Australians. Shut the fuck up.
“What, arsonists are gong be more prevalent with global warming?¢‚Ǩ¬¶”
Of course they're going to be just as prevalent as before, but their actions will have worse and further-reaching consequences.
“And wow, like we?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ve never had deadly fires before either.”
Of course we have, and with the change in climate conditions they're going to happen even more often.
I AGREE – that Brown's timing is opportunistic, inappropriate and offensive;
I DO NOT AGREE – that his comments have no validity.
mmm, cake. and I'm eating it too…
It's not all arsonists. Bob does have a good point. So IMHO STFU Duncan.
I agree entirely with Duncans sentiments. Bob Brown should be ashamed with his disgraceful attempt to politicise this deadful tragedy. Wake up to yourself you low life human being.
Hear hear Duncan.
Sure, the timing is wrong. (He should have waited until no one was in further danger.)
But the message is clear and supported by science. (CSIRO publications.)
As Australia gets hotter and winds grow stronger, fires will burn faster and more furiously — regardless of who/what starts them and how.
I'd like to see Mr Rudd make that point as soon as the firefighters and residents are safe.
Bob Brown is right this weather event is unprecedented and global warming is almost certainly the cause. I've heard multiple BoM officials and climate scientists talk about the link between this weather and global warming today on ABC radio.
It sounds to me like someone else has a political motive and is using their soap box inappropriately. Get off it Duncan, if you haven't got anything nice to say, say nothing at all.
I've never seen Bob Brown pull on a CFA uniform…
as I type this 108 people have died. Bob Brown did'nt express sympathy for the dead, he used their deaths to push a political agenda, and that's sickening. Seriously, if you think that using deaths to play politics is fair, fuck off my blog.
I hope he sees this post! I agree with you.
>> Seriously, if you think that using deaths to play politics is fair, fuck off my blog.
Are you serious? Just because a couple of sentence quoted from Bob Brown does not mean he is disregarding any deaths have occurred. Media interviews leader of the Green party looking for comments exactly like these. What else do you expect them to print?
Duncan, please just take these excerpts with a bit more salt. There's never a need to abuse anyone.
The disaster is a wake-up call. Are you suggesting we should just slumber on. These fires will become more frequent and more violent unless we tackle climate change. Lets take Bob Brown's words to heart AND mourn the dead, or can't you do two things at once.
The disaster is a wake-up call. Are you suggesting we should just slumber on. These fires will become more frequent and more violent unless we tackle climate change. Lets take Bob Brown's words to heart AND mourn the dead, or can't you do two things at once.
The disaster is a wake-up call. Are you suggesting we should just slumber on. These fires will become more frequent and more violent unless we tackle climate change. Lets take Bob Brown's words to heart AND mourn the dead, or can't you do two things at once.
Also, the fires wouldn't have been so bad if the LOONY GREENS hadn't outlawed FUEL REDUCTION BURNING or prescribed burning.
The greens are fucking arseholes, god help us if they should ever come to power.
bob brown is a fucken nut.
Bob Brown is Human????????Gays arent human
The Greens need to get out. Now talks of legalising Gay marriage. Greens are the anti-christ. Fuck you Bob Brown. Fuck you Greens and fuck you Gillard you dyke cunt.
Knob brown is a looney with cock breath….
I will laugh the day I see that fruit loop weirdo greens party become politically instinct, I hate that fucking party with a passion…..