Hicks Sorry: now that’s the words of an innocent man (not)

admin —  March 31, 2007 — 1 Comment

ABC: Hicks apologises, thanks Aust for support

Lets pick out some good bits:

“Hicks returned to the Guantanamo Bay court room and admitted to a range of activities, including training at Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and meeting Osama bin Laden….In a statement read to the tribunal on his behalf, Hicks said he owed apologies to many people, including his family, Australia and the US. He has also thanked Australians for their compassion and forgiveness and has promised not to betray their support.”

So now he’s not only pleaded guilty, he’s asking his family of forgiveness for being a terrorist. Will the Hick’s apologists finally shut the you know what up now? probably not, it’s all a US conspiracy after all in their minds and there is no way they’ll let the fact get in the way of a good ol’ fashioned Government sledge.