I keep seeing people in photos with “famous” people and I realize that I have none, despite having met a reasonable share over the years, both in politics and tech. For some reason I just don’t feel the need to get a picture of myself with that person, and yet I seem to be fairly alone in that. Indeed, I seem to have a habit of avoiding most pictures altogether, which on some levels is a good thing, given the god-awful pictures of me speaking at Perth Podcamp (mental note: always tuck shirt in). The question is: am I alone, and is not desiring to get pictures taken of myself with the rich and famous make me some-what strange?
I’m Not a Camera Whore, But Is That Wrong?
12 responses to I’m Not a Camera Whore, But Is That Wrong?
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February 4, 2008
[…] short post over at Duncan Riley’s blog re: getting your picture taken with celebrities and other famous people. I keep seeing people in […]
September 9, 2008
[…] that I don’t do “celebrity pictures,” or as a so nicely put it, I’m not a camera whore. I’ve met many “famous” people along my path to the point in time. When I worked […]
Nope it’s not strange – they’re just people 🙂
Nope, not odd. I tend not to react to famous people, and I think on some level, they appreciate it. (Some get offended though :P)
Probably not strange. Although I’ve never mingled with famous people I have found myself in situations where it would have been very easy to just walk up and ask for a photo but I have chosen not to. In my own case, if I respect the person/people enough that I would want a photo, I also respect them too much to hassle them and ask for a photo. Does that make sense to anyone but myself?
The only time I got an autograph (that I can remember) is from Mandawuy from Yothu Yindi … but that was because we’d spent some time together that week as our hastily assembled AFP rock band and Yothu Yindi had been touring Solomon Islands that week and I just wanted some sort of momento … but normally I wouldn’t go for autographs.
It shows that your self-worth underpinned by the endless promotion of some fleeting proximity you once shared with a famous person.
… self-worth ISN’T underpinned …
Who decides what a celebrity is anyway? 🙂
meh, celebrities – they are just people… If they have a ego, I find they sometimes need a bit of reality check.
90% of the time I find they are just like you and me, normal folk.. it’s just good to talk and find you share common problems and solutions.
Then again, If you need to photographed all the time, then maybe there is a personal issue. 🙂
As for awful photographs I have had my fair share of them over the years. I think I can find 1 good pic, if I’m lucky. don’t sweat about it, people often want to see the real person not the posed photo shoot 🙂
Can’t say it’s happened and can’t say I’m bothered about it, either.
I think it is possibly O.K. if you are a huge fan and want to keep a record of the event for yourself – like if I was able to meet Keith Richards face to face – yeah that is fine.
Cheers – Eric