Old people are homophobic…what a surprise

admin —  June 20, 2006 — 1 Comment

Younger voters show strongest support for same-sex unions (SMH):

NEARLY 50 per cent of Australians support the Australian Capital Territory’s attempts to formalise same-sex relationships, an ACNielsen poll has found….The new poll found 45 per cent of those surveyed supported the ACT laws and 34 per cent opposed them. Younger people were more likely to support the territory’s move. Fifty-six per cent of those aged 18 to 39 said they were in favour of the territory’s legislation. Support fell to 48 per cent of those aged 40 to 54 and to 29 per cent of people aged 55 and older.

I’d say when are this people going to grow up…but they have already, long live the youth of our country.