Scoble launches the Scoble Show

September 27, 2006

The Scoble Show.

Got to say it’s pretty damn good. Scoble avoids the mistakes of many in podcasting by keeping the interviews fairly short and punchy so they don’t drag on (like that horrid podcast he was on with Arrington and Om over at Techcruch the other day). I’ve only watched a few so far (naturally the interview with Jeremy Wright was my first choice) but so far it bides well.



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  1. ScobleShow post mortem (wow, Ask blog search rocks!) « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger - September 28, 2006

    […] Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun Microsystems: “the next Katie Couric.”Frank Barnako, of CBS MarketWatch: “it’s firm and fully packed!”Jason Calacanis, VP at AOL: “Way to go Robert!”NMM Medical Informatics Blog: “If you are interested in the world of tech, you should definitely check out the new Scoble Show on Podtech.”Loren Heiny, software entrepreneur and Tablet PC freak like me: “I really like the wide format of the video. Nicely done.”Duncan Reilly: “got to say it’s pretty damn good.”Brian Bailey said “congrats on the launch, Robert! You should be very proud.” But he definitely gave me the most feedback on what I did, too. I really appreciate that. […]