The gods must be crazy

admin —  February 22, 2006 — 2 Comments

Yesterday the official temperature in Bunbury was 40 (celcius) and I’d think it was proably a couple of degrees hotter where I am. Ironically one of the main stories in the local rag that day: The Summer of 69, which detailed that Bunbury had experienced its second coldest summer on record (69 was apparently colder). I shoudn’t complain really, sure we’ve only been to the beach a couple of times this summer (the water is really cold this year as well), but the weather has been pleasant (and sometimes even cold) but the heat totally sucks….which reminds me, is talking about the weather the official Australian sport? If you meet an Australian for the first time and want to break the ice, talk about the weather…we all do it incessantly. Everyone I know here is talking about the weather, constantly, and all Australians have an opinion about weather, no matter where in the world they are.