Two cool Australian blogs you’re probably not reading

May 5, 2007

Sydney Daily Photo and Melbourne Today. Both photoblogs posting 1 photo from Sydney and Melbourne respectively every day. It’s a simple idea that just works, and in the case of Sydney Daily Photo it brings back a lot of memories for me, the author has had a strong focus on shots from The (Sutherland) Shire this week, the place I spent my childhood to 21 in growing up. If I had more time I’d consider doing something similar myself, the Panasonic FZ50 I bought a couple of months back makes for some amazing shots. Recommended.

Note: both are available as part of the Top 100 Australian Blogs feed OPML download.

One response to Two cool Australian blogs you’re probably not reading

  1. Hi Duncan

    Thanks for coming to visit my blog(s)….should have a few more southern Syd / Georges River etc shots in the future! And wow – a recommendation….I’m blushing!
