Archives For Bizarre

I always find it interesting when people say stuff they shouldn’t, then try to undo the damage by deleting the post, ignoring the fact that RSS leaves a trail. And no, for the record I generally don’t delete stuff, although I do often regret writing some of it, but hey, I’m also smart enough to know someone will notice me deleting a post I’ve just written.

Anyhow, looks like Mr Shoemoney himself had a change of heart, because this post got deleted:



All Ask does is install Spyware of people’s computers and is nothing more than a Made For Adsense site? Dems fight’n words πŸ™‚

From The Canadian: Manipulative Extraterrestrials influenced Adolf Hitler, scholars suggest.

Damn those aliens πŸ™‚

Apparently people are trying to profit off the Virginia Tech Massacre, with Wired reporting that domain names based on the massacre are up for sale on eBay. I’m all for people making money, and domaining is a legitimate business, but this is just sick. I wonder what they would think if one of the victims was their kid?

Looks like Canberra MP Steve Pratt is in a spot of bother, having painted over an “officially commissioned” artwork that he mistook as graffiti.

OK, so take aside the legalities of it all for a minute, and think about it. Personally I think Pratt did the people of Canberra a public service. OK, so I’m not a qualified art critic, but isn’t it a sure sign of decay in society that we actually pay people to spray graffiti in the name of art? I guess this is a town that hosts Pollacks Blue Poles, so nothing really comes as a surprise πŸ™‚

(and yes, for the record I’ve seen Blue Poles at the National Gallery at least 3 or 4 times over the years, and I still think it’s a piece of sue me πŸ™‚ )

Maybe I’m just becoming to cynical, but lets see, 33 people are killed in a Massacre in the US, the Sydney Morning Herald leads with a story that someone from Sydney was studying at this University, who knew someone who wasn’t shot but saw other people shot and pretended to be dead.


I can’t make this stuff up.

To quote from the first paragraph:

A young Sydney woman studying at the US college where a shooting rampage left 33 dead has told how one of her best friends pretended to be dead as bleeding classmates fell on top of him.

Apparently the 33 people who were shot don’t really matter, because they either 1. aren’t Australian or 2. don’t know anyone from Australia.

It gets worse. In two whole pages of content, the lead story I might add, the SMH goes into how the girl received an email that there was a gunman, and how she’d contacted her family in Sydney to let them know she was ok. Again, 33 people killed and the SMH is more interested in the a girl from Sydney and the emails she sent.

Quality Australian journalism at its best.

A large Croc is stalking people in a park in Cairns according to

Get this, for the only in Queensland file, authorities are debating whether they should remove the croc or not! Yep, apparently it’s not a given:

“Queensland Park and Wildlife crocodile scientist Mark Read said yesterday his team was “assessing” the croc’s behaviour and size to determine whether removal was necessary.”

But to be fair, lets get the context right:

“A 2m crocodile that has stalked a man is being allowed to roam a popular Cairns picnic spot as authorities continue their months-long debate over removing it.

A croc expert has warned children’s lives are at risk while the crocodile continues to live at Centenary Lakes in the heart of Cairns, which is also a popular tourist attraction.”

Popular park, centre of Cairns, popular with tourists, large 2m long wild croc living free in the pond and they’re thinking about whether or not it should be relocated….you’ve got to wonder πŸ™‚

The Chaser does Hilary

admin —  April 12, 2007 — Leave a comment

Sort of funny, sort of cringe worthy, and it took less than a couple of hours to make YouTube πŸ™‚

Spotted at Mosnews:


Marriage or friendship with women is one thing, but what sort of people are looking for “Polish Girls”? more importantly, what’s Google doing allowing this stuff?

Top 100 Australian Blogs

admin —  April 11, 2007 — 7 Comments

Got an email from Craig Harper today, a Melbourne based blogger and motivational speaker, he’s set up a rather nifty blog roll of Australia’s top 100 bloggers based on Technorati Rank (right side bar). Apparently comes in at #22. Given that my motto at is “I couldn’t care less what I post and when” I’ve got to say I’m a little impressed, god help me if I was actually trying here, and not dumping my good stuff at 901am :-), but I also have this thought, if I’m #22 then it’s a sorry state of affairs in Australia, particularly given that I’m not even trying here. Maybe I should try harder…or try full stop? and yet that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun! Maybe I need a new outlet? Food for thought.

Lifehacker has tips with what to do with left over Easter Eggs. Apparently American Easter Eggs are actually Eggs as in come from Chickens, as opposed to being made exclusively from Chocolate, and instead of coming in a brightly coloured celofoil wrap, the shell is dyed. You learn something every day…and personally I prefer the Australian version any day πŸ™‚