Archives For Web 2.0

5inch: pretty CDs

admin —  May 28, 2007 — Leave a comment

Think Cafepress for blank CDs and DVDs: 5inch. Pretty. No idea why people would want piles of blank CDs’ with pretty prints on them, but it’s still pretty none the less.

Twitter down again

admin —  May 24, 2007 — 1 Comment

For the LOVE OF GOD! Will Twitter ever be stable? it’s not letting me in again. GRRRRRRRRR. As soon as the US East Coast gets up, down goes Twitter.

Vale Technorati

admin —  May 23, 2007 — 1 Comment

Vale Technorati. The much loved blog search engine is no more, reborn as…well….something that isn’t a blog search engine any more. Steve Rubel suggests that Google killed Technorati but I’m sure he’s mixing this up with the Ask $100m algorithm campaign. The only one going to get killed there is Crispin, Porter + Bogusky when IAC’s Barry Diller wakes up to the fact that a search engine with next to no brand awareness needs a campaign that builds brand recognition and not some smart-arsed attempt at a viral campaign. The Algorithm might be great but it makes no difference if no one even knows who Ask is.

But back to Technorati, if it isn’t a blog search engine and it isn’t a Google style search engine, what is it? There’s a lot to like in the new layout and functionality even if I’m lost for words in trying to describe it. My only advice: who ever thought of a ticker, take my advice and fall on your sword now! 🙂

Wallstrip/ CBS buy confirmed

admin —  May 22, 2007 — 4 Comments

Looks like the post I made on TechCrunch March 13 about CBS acquiring Wallstrip is confirmed. Thanks to my “source close to the deal” for giving me a heads up on it, you know who you are but would like to thank you none the less. Dollars aren’t publicly confirmed at this stage but given my source + Jossips I’m confident the $5m was correct.

Supermarket 2.0

admin —  May 19, 2007 — 1 Comment

via Graywolf on Jaiku, very clever 🙂

Joined Jaiku

admin —  May 17, 2007 — Leave a comment

Enough is enough with Twitter. If you’re on Jaiku let me know

Hopefully will see a lot of my Twitter contacts appear shortly, still love the idea and the conversation, but I can’t handle Twitter’s downtime.

Bugs in Google Reader?

admin —  May 15, 2007 — 4 Comments

I made the switch from Bloglines to Google Reader a while back, but I’m noticing a couple of things that are starting to become annoying.

First is slowness in listing new posts. I notice it most with my own posts on various sites, I’ll post and it won’t appear in Google Reader for 2-3 hours, and yet Google Desktop’s feed reader (I’ll share that in another post) picks them up fairly promptly.

Second is the refresh/ Ajax feature that shows what you’ve read. Sometimes it marks the content off as I read it, other times it doesn’t without clicking the refresh option.

Is it just me? It took me over 4 years to leave Bloglines so I’m not about to change away from Google Reader, but I’ve got wonder, after all I use a feed reader to stay up to date, not get stories 2-3 hours after the fact.

WallStrip sells for $5m

admin —  May 14, 2007 — 3 Comments

Congrats to Fred Wilson on the deal.

It’s been a couple of hours since I wrote the post at TechCrunch and as much as Lindsay Campbell has bigger and better things ahead of her, the $5m figure still doesn’t make sense. CBS isn’t buying for the revenue, and yet Campbell isn’t worth $5m either. What am I missing?

Michael Arrington writes at TechCrunch that Yahoo moving to upgrade MyBlogLog. Yawn. Too little, too late.

They had a product that had a huge amount of buzz and penetration. Just about every site I regularly visit was using the service and yet today I’m actually surprised when I see one of their sidebar widgets. With security, privacy, spam and performance issues MyBlogLog was a bubble that burst far more quickly than others. From the company that bought Flickr I guess I expected better. MyBlogLog could well be for Yahoo what Dodgeball was for Google.


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Valleywag’s obsession with outing Fake Steve Jobs misses the target. Let’s see: an articulate Pom with tech knowledge and a wicked way with words. Sounds like Nick Denton to me and what better way to draw attention away from yourself than point the finger at someone else on the second most read site in the Valley 🙂