Is the new Blog Herald?

March 21, 2006

I’ve had about 10 people say this to me in the last week. Simple answer is no. For starters I’m actually having fun writing here. Real fun, like I use to have once upon at time with The Blog Herald itself. Towards the end it became too big for me to manage. At times writing to it was like a chore, and there was the reader expectation that I would post. It became work, and although I’d never change the 3 years I had writing it, it was consuming too much time. The money from the sale of course helped. I’ve got a painter in the new house at the moment for example that I couldn’t have afforded if I hadn’t sold the site. I even went and bought a new fridge. The first time I’ve owned a “new” fridge…ever. And it’s also given me a window of opportunity to work from home towards building b5media into something even bigger than the monster it has already become (I’m not sure I can disclose some of our latest figures, but they are amazing!).

And of course the tone is different. A lot of what I wrote at The Blog Herald was in a “reporting” format, is a lot more informal, and it’s not on a particular topic either. Sure, I occasionally went off topic at The Blog Herald, but here I can really pretty much do and write what ever I want, as long as I don’t upset Jeremy (or 9rules, which upsets Jeremy in turn 🙂 ) I can ramble to my hearts content, pretty much as I am now with this post, and it doesn’t really matter. It’s sort of liberating in a way. And if tomorrow I wake up and don’t feel like posting, no ones going to ask where I am. If the traffic drops I couldn’t care less. And of course because there is no longer this obligation, this concern, this stress, I’m actually writing a fair bit here at the moment. I can only hope the fun lasts.