OMG! Another South West Blogger

June 2, 2006

bussReading this post at Problogger, and click on the link to this blog, and I find Stuart Robinson, from Busselton, WA, about 30 minutes down the road. That makes 3 South West (WA) bloggers I know of! Maybe on day we can get to 10!

2 responses to OMG! Another South West Blogger

  1. I can’t believe you had never come across him before, ha ha! I even did! (though I had lost his MoneytoKeep one, I did have the Gardening4Dummies one saved).

    Is the other one ‘It’s a Girls Life’ in Bunbury?
    Or do you know another one??

    Oh, and I know a blogger in Nannup! But’s it’s a Dutch blog (mainly for family and friends). Very interesting though, because they lived in a city in The Netherlands, travelled around Australia, and have decided to (try and) settle in Nannup, on a few acres!!