World of Warcraft Madness

November 21, 2005

A little tidbit: I bought World of Warcraft on Saturday, and thought to myself last night (Sunday) that I’d install it and have a go. Its now Monday night, and I’m still not playing it. Install with 5 CD’s took about 1 hour, then the 1st patch was about a 250mb download which took a bit over 2 hours. That was Sunday gone. Now its Monday night, I’m just finishing up a bit of b5media work and I think to myself “I’ll check out World of Warcraft”….and what do I find: more patches. One downloads and installs in a couple of minutes, which is fine, now I’m downloading another one which is ?? out of 22,000 odd I don’t know whats, but it looks like its going to take hours at this rate. Given I’ve already signed up I’m half tempted to take it back, 1 day in and I still cant play the thing because of all the patches that need to be downloaded. Its really, really bad.

7 responses to World of Warcraft Madness

  1. You don’t need to download all the patches. Check out their web site because they have different patches for new players. They put up those patches so people don’t thru what you went thru 🙂 i personally quit the game for about 5 months and when i got back i thought it was so stupid to be downloading all these patches, but i checked their web site support and found that they have a different patch for this situation. Good luck

  2. i went through the same madness you did when i started playing and couldn’t believe how egregiously bad the install was. it’s nice that Blizzard provides a special patch for new users but for the love of god, why don’t they just automagically direct new installs to *it* instead of making them go through the usual chain by default?! i even went to the support website during the install b/c i thought there must be something wrong with my system that the patch wasn’t taking, and i didn’t find any information about the special shortcut patch — this is the first i’ve heard about it, months after the fact! it’s a miracle they’ve gotten to 5.5 million subs. 😉 although given that once you finally get in there, it really is crack… 🙂

  3. lllllllllllllllllllllll February 17, 2009 at 5:51 am

    wait till its all downloaded, its worth the wait…

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    carrol spncr
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    One of the great things about in-game money and virtual economies is that they never went through this whole economic meltdown. So take that to all of those people who think the real world is better then computer games!

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    carrol spncr
    Buy WoW Gold
    One of the great things about in-game money and virtual economies is that they never went through this whole economic meltdown. So take that to all of those people who think the real world is better then computer games!

  7. wait till its all downloaded, its worth the wait…