I’ve long been an advocate of keeping your feed subscriptions to a minimum, I know when I’ve read about ppl like Steve Rubel and Robert Scoble in the past where they’ve talked about having 500 feeds in their RSS reader accounts I’ve publicly said this is nuts (and 500, BTW, still is)…but I’ve discovered a nice new way of keeping your blogging fresh…and it’s so simple I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner:
Add new blogs to your feed reader.
Yep, simple as that, and while you’re at it, have a reorganisation of them as well. I recently purged a few feeds I wasn’t reading that much (mainly Topix/ Yahoo/ Google News style feeds), reorganised my folders…adding new folder topics such as SEO and Web 2.0, and then off I went. I’d say I’ve probably added 30 blogs to Bloglines in the last 2 weeks, and I’m still adding more now (BTW, I’m always open to pitches as to why I should sub to your blog…leave a comment, it won’t have no follow), and I’ve got to say I’m now enjoying my reading a whole lot more, and as a consequence, my general blogging endevours as well. Some of the additions are blogs I read fairly regularly anyway but didn’t subscribe to, some are people I knew from my time at the Blog Herald, and through contacts via b5media, and some are just sites I totally stumbled across (for example, I added about half a dozen SEO related blogs..some of which I’d read in passing before, some of which I’d never seen).
It’s well worth the effort, blogging, and the whole blogging business can become stale and boring after at times…, it never hurts to try something new, and in this case some new sites, and I’ve got to say at least 50% of the sites I’ve added are bloody good reads.
I go through this every few weeks… purging the old stuff and re-organizing. I’m always adding feeds so if I don’t do this I’ll be one of those gomers you talk about with 500 feeds. I would go nuts if I opened up Bloglines and saw 8,000 unread items. Gaah.
I am a travel agent, and fairly new to the internet.
I recently downloaded a program (rss feeder), and I am clueless as to going about putting it on my webpage. How do I put an rss about travel on my website, and how do I apply my program to my website??? Help me figure this one out, and I will bless you with a free bahaman vacation.