It’s like a Blog Herald reunion..sort of…

admin —  February 5, 2007 — 3 Comments

New gig, and I’m joining the team with Matt Craven, who took over at The Blog Herald after I sold it (the site being onsold since). Matt Craven is the sort of guy I wish I had writing for me when I did own the Herald (but could never afford to put anyone on), so I’m in good company, along with David Krug, the reformed Cowboy and by far and away the webs best blog salesman, Muhammad Saleem, Chris Pearson and Thord Hedengren, the up and coming designer with a really, really good feel for template design. Should be fun. My first post is on PayPerPost, why start quietly, with followups of Technorati’s questionable numbers, and a new service called Wretch…if anyone has heard of Wretch leave a comment there, I’m always fascinated by big things that I haven’t previously known about. Enjoy 🙂

