Archives For Web 2.0

Just a quick note to Inquisitr fans and royal junkies: I’ll be live blogging the Royal Wedding tonight on The Inquisitr.

If you’re not near a TV, you can watch the royal wedding live online, or I’ll update this post later with the live blog link.

Yeah yeah, hassle away. But it pays the bills 🙂

It’s been a while since I’ve done an update on stats for The Inquisitr, but a great month is always a good reason to share. We’ve floated in the 7-8m pv range for maybe the last 6 months or so (maybe longer, I didn’t check) and with the exception of Feb 2011 where we were just below 7m pv (28 days… with another two days it wouldn’t have been an issue) we’ve done well.

The good news is that in March 2011 we finally broke the 8 million page view mark, and we’re getting closer to breaking the 2m unique visitor figure as well. Indeed, in many ways the unique figure is possibly better again.

Dashboard - Google Analytics

Dashboard - Google Analytics

The good stuff from the breakdown: the biggest post only accounted for 1.63% of the page views, and the biggest posts after that 1.44%, 1.32%, 1.26% and 0.96%. In the early days we often relied on a couple of huge posts to get us up, today the traffic is well distributed across many many posts.

Visitors Overview - Google Analytics

We finally broke through the 7m page view mark in November, with all key stats showing new highs.

Highlight of the month was November 1, where we hit a new high in daily page views: 560,000 in one day.

The ad market remains rather subdued though, and although we were up for the month, we’ve booked significantly less than we did in the same period last year, although up on October.

My thanks to the team for their stellar effort, and hopefully we’ll do even better again in December. Who knows, 10 million page views is getting closer and closer 🙂

So I’m Writing A Food Blog

admin —  September 27, 2010 — 13 Comments

RandomAltFood 2014 Adventures in Melbourne Dining, Cooking, and Occasional Misadventure

My first attempt (ever) of writing about food. It only has a few posts up now, but I’m slowly adding to it.

It’s not a major attempt at creating a major food destination for Melbourne…yet, but more of a hobby and somewhere for me to write about food, given I have a tendency of tweeting about food on a regular basis.

Inquisitr August 2010 Stats

admin —  September 2, 2010 — 2 Comments

Another great month with new record highs. Thx to the team for their work.

Visitors Overview - Google Analytics

Both Sides Fail On Broadband

admin —  August 20, 2010 — 8 Comments

I’ve purposely kept out of politics here on my personal blog during the election campaign (ok, so I have Twitter and Facebook for that) but with one day left before the election I wanted to reflect on the great disappointment that is both major parties in Australia on broadband.

On one hand, we have a big spending Labor Government who wants to spend $5000 per person rolling out fibre to the home for 93% of Australia, while creating a new uber-Government controlled monopoly.

In the Liberal Party we have….um….how does one describe their NBN policy: words like bizarre, arcane, and wacky come to mind. Spokesman Tony Smith is possibly the only politician in Australia with the ability to make Stephen Conroy look good, and the weird obsession with wireless beggars belief.

On the balance, the ALP policy is the better of the two evils, but it is an evil.

The reality of high speed internet in Australia today is over 1 million homes in Melbourne alone have had access to high speed fibre for over ONE YEAR, and yet it was never switched on. That’s fibre rolled out by private enterprise (in this case Telstra.) It was never switched on because of uncertainty caused by the NBN.

Both Telstra, and Optus are/ were rolling out high speed internet along the east coast, but now the NBN has either stopped that, or slowed it greatly.

Yep: the Government’s push for the NBN has actually SLOWED access to high speed internet. Go figure.

Big Brother

The primary problem with the Government’s NBN proposal comes down to two things: their exclusive involvement, and the cost of the network.

This is a Government with a history of mismanaging projects.

History shows us that Government monopolies rarely offer the best service. I’m old enough to remember Telecom Australia….and if you can remember them as well, I don’t need to explain the point.

Sure, the counter argument is that private enterprise won’t provide universal (or near universal access) but it can and would provide it to many homes in the Capital cities. Better still, in many cases private enterprise would compete against itself, driving efficiencies a Government monopoly can not provide.

But the Liberal Party has gone extreme the other way. If a social objective is to provide near universal access with superior technology (that is, fibre) you can’t completely leave private enterprise to do it themselves. I’d also argue that you shouldn’t be subsidizing private enterprise in metro areas either, which the Liberal Party proposes to do: there’s a case for Government subsidy in regional and remote areas, or even NBN like Government provision of services to those areas as a social aim of high speed access, while leaving private enterprise to compete in the cities.

But problem remains that neither party seems to be able to embrace the middle ground.


One key aspect to any broadband policy must be the structural separation of Telstra, but again both sides fail. The Labor Party supports it (and rightly so) but what point is there of splitting Telstra up only to replace the Telstra copper network with a Government owned fibre monopoly? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?

The Liberal Party opposes the split, and I’ve never understood why other than this weird argument that well…they sold Telstra as one package, and it should stay that way. Of note, it never stopped the New Zealand Government, who a year or two ago split the privately owned Telecom NZ…and the world didn’t come to an end in NZ.

The only way to truly encourage proper competition in broadband is to open up access to Telstra’s exchanges and pipes via splitting Telstra so the wholesale arm treats all comers equally, and a Liberal Party that doesn’t see this doesn’t really support proper competition at all.

So now what?

As much as the ALP’s NBN policy is flawed, it’s the outcome of the two policies that would offer (hopefully) a better result for Australia. It’s just ashame that it will cause epic Government debt, cost 2-3x more than they think it will cost, and probably won’t be finished until 2020 or later.

Another Month With Win

admin —  August 2, 2010 — 1 Comment

Visitors Overview - Google Analytics

My thanks to the team as always, without whom this wouldn’t be possible. Now lets not mention the ads though: July=northern summer= not good, but we’re getting closer to the good ad months now. If we can keep the traffic up coming into Oct/ thanksgiving/ xmas…. 🙂

So I’ve finally bitten the bullet and started writing an ebook some 3 or 4 years after I first thought it would be a good idea.

The topic will be blog traffic, and everything I know about obtaining it.

But I have a small favor to ask: I’m looking for questions to go in the book. While a lot of the book will talk about technique and strategy, I want real questions from real people to break things up.

If you have any question about generating blog traffic, be it with a particular technique or anything you might think is relevant, ask away in the comments.

If I select your question for the book, your name and site will be featured with the question! (obviously you should include your actual name and offer your URL with the blog comment in the correct fields etc 🙂 )

Well, presuming you have a site and want it. If you don’t want your name in the book, let me know.

Also, if I have your email you’ll get an answer to the question as well, although will be in the next few weeks vs say the next day or two.

I have ZERO idea how many people will be exposed to the book (obviously I’m hoping millions 🙂 ) but I’m confident that we should be able to get to maybe a few thousand minimum.


PS: if you’re interested in selling it, affiliate details will be ready hopefully in the next 2 weeks, stay tuned.

Michael Steele under pressure to resign after saying US cannot win in Afghanistan, a ‘war of Obama’s choosing’

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Free $10 Menulog Voucher

admin —  June 29, 2010 — 4 Comments

Good until Dec 31, 2010 for first order. Order must be min $20.

Menulog Restaurant Delivery Guide
Get $10 off on your first delivery order using this voucher code: 88D3F5
Note: Available for participating restaurants only (which display the “accepts vouchers”) sign