All I want for Christmas

admin —  December 5, 2005 — 2 Comments

I really, really love this.
Check out the games list, amazing classics. Mortal Kombat, 1942, Ghosts N’ Goblins (ok I played this on the Amstrad 6128 mainly, but I did play it in the arcade on occasion), Asteroids….

There are two games they are missing though. Pacman, which I played on the Atari, and Outrun, which I spent countless dollars playing in the late 1980’s, back in the days that arcade games cost 20 cents. I can remember when they started making some games 40 cents and I was outraged. A few years back I walked into a TimeZone nearly by accident, and most of these sorts of games now are gold coin games: $1 or $2 a go. It must be a lot harder for kids these days.