I’ve got Vox Invites + I’ve been upgraded

June 22, 2006

Want an invite to SixApart’s new you beaut MySpace killer? I’ve got invites to Vox, at least to the starter version which doesn’t allow you to blog but atleast get’s you in the door (I think you get upgraded later?). Leave a comment with your email address included or drop me an email directly.

Also I’ve been upgraded to a standard Vox account so I’ve been able to play with all the extra’s on the service….and I’ve got to say: WOW! Not only is it pretty, it’s easy to use, something I cant say for MySpace (or MT installations :-p ). You can check out my Vox blog here. Great job from the SixApart team though. I’ve already got more blogs than I can poke a stick at, but there is enough little extra’s in Vox that I might find myself coming back for more 🙂

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81 responses to I’ve got Vox Invites + I’ve been upgraded

  1. if you have any left, i would love an invite

  2. Would love to get an invite if you or anyone else has one — thanks.

    codepoet5150 AT g m a i l . c o m

  3. can you vox me????
    id love an invite to jump in the pond….


  4. one more guy looking for a vox invite 🙂 andrew[at]leahey.org

    thanks if you can, thanks if you cant

  5. despite the nasty name of my blog, it’s actually just my daily ruminations. would love an invite if you still have any.

    daniel.j.doughty at gmail.com

  6. I’d be interested in a Vox invite, if you have any to spare. spot jon [@] yahoo (remove spaces, etc.). Thanks.

  7. Hi Duncan,
    Would love an invite if there are any remaining. Address is sirpingalot (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  8. Thought I’d give it a go? If you don’t mind sending one to a stranger, I would owe ya one:-) Cheers

  9. If you’re still offering then I’d appreciate one.



  10. Hello! Do you still have a vox invite left? If so, I would sure like to have one and would really appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance:) Also congrats on being upgraded! Is it really a good site and do you prefer it to your own blog here? Would you ever close this down in favor of using Vox instead? I’m just wondering whether it will replace other blogs or if you can sort of use it to supplement what you have already built. :/ Thanks again for your consideration!

  11. P.S. I had added my email to the previous post, but I will put it here just in case: fangirl @ gmail.com (remove spaces of course:)

  12. Hello, I’d love an invite if you have any more. Thanks in advance.

  13. I would love one if you have any left… Thank you either way for considering! (I requested one from 6A a while ago, but still no response). I’m getting very OCD trying to find one! -Jen

  14. If you stll have invites on offer, I’d love one thanks.

  15. I’d love a VOX invite too if you’ve still got some to spare my email is seth.rubenstein@gmail.com

  16. found your site and am proud to be in the mid 60’s requestwise. vox looks spiff.

  17. Surely you can’t have many left by now (after scrolling down all this way to get to the comment box!) but if you do I’d love one. Thanks buddy.

    tehhead [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. same here as above–if you still have some i would love to check out Vox.

    real.techie [at] gmail [dot] com

  19. I would really appreciate an invite if you still have them! wolfclothing AT gmail DOT com


  20. i’m sure you can’t have many left after 70 comments, but if you do, i’d love one!

    miyna [dot] messenger [at] yahoo [dot] com

  21. I’d love one, but if you’re already out that’s cool.

  22. Hello Duncan! I know it’s late but do you still have an invite to spare? Thanks!

  23. Hey Duncan,

    I know I know..I am soley emailing you for a Vox Invite and I don’t even know you…sorry…but if you still have any left I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, thank you regardless for offering and taking the time to read this as you’ve had A LOT of comments.

    Take care of yourself.

  24. hey I would to have a vox invite :/

  25. Hi! If you still have a vox invite to spare, I could really use one.

    Email addy is marherliani@yahoo.com

    Thanks so much! 🙂

  26. Hey
    Ditto, as above
    hehehe- would be ace if you had one left, but its a long shot!


    Cheers n e way

  27. hey i’d love an invite if you have any


  28. hey, bit late, but thanks for the invite!

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  1. urpwtfe - July 30, 2006


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  2. mvnsfus - August 15, 2006


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