Applications open for inclusion in my Bluedot feed

admin —  February 20, 2007 — 2 Comments

I’ve discovered today, much to my own satisfaction, that at least one person reads my Bluedot feed. It’s not by any stretch of the imagination a Robert Scoble style link blog, but having said that it does probably share a few attributes. It’s an eclectic mix of my daily reading, sometimes a couple of links, other times 8-10 links. Anything and everything goes, essentially the stuff I personally find interesting but either cant be bothered writing about, or as the case usually is, I don’t have the right audience to blog about it.

Hence I’m opening up by Bluedot feed to applications/ suggestions. Sure, only a handful of people read it, but I’m guessing that they are all highly influential and wonderful people who you’d want your content exposed to 😉 On a more serious note though, if you do have anything of interest, send it through, email as per the sidebar. You’ll get consideration in this order: 901am,, Bluedot. I’m always looking for stuff that is interesting, just like I was back in the Blog Herald days, so don’t be shy, but having said that if you spam me with automated crap I will ignore it 🙂