Ask Duncan: Why Do You Love Big Brother?

admin —  May 11, 2006 — 2 Comments

OK, so the whole ask Duncan thing didn’t work so we’ll (I’m still open for q’s) but Darren ask’s as good question:

“Why do you love Big Brother so much?”

Well Darren, the short answer:

I live in the Country.

The long Answer:

I live in the Country.

Seriously though, we don’t get Channel 10 locally where I live. I saw the first two series of Big Brother when I lived in Mandurah, about 100km North of where I am now, which could get Perth TV no probs.

Where I am now, you’ve got to have a bloody great big antenna to get Perth TV. Our first house we bought down here did, but we were about 5km North of Bunbry, and reception was variable. Sometimes we got it, some times we didn’t. It was too hard for the 3rd series. So I gave in.

Then she who must be obeyed decided we should build a house. So we moved into a rental property whilst the new house was being built. It had NO antenna at all. Getting local TV involved a balancing act with Rabits Ears. So I didn’t see any of series 4 or 5. WIN does show it late at night, but I’m not one to be up at 11:30pm to watch it.

So we come to today. I’m in the new house. Another 5km North again, and we’ve got “community” TV, ie, cabled TV to all houses on the estate so no one has to have a TV antenna (indeed, they aren’t allowed). It’s a huge mast, maybe 15-20m high (just a street away) and now I can get (most of the time) Perth TV. And hence I can watch Big Brother. I’ve not watched it for years, so I’m totally hooked. If I’d watched it every year I’d probably be sick of it, but I haven’t. And I quite like this year’s crew. Hence, I’m going on Holidays, and I’m going to a Big Brother Eviction. Yep, it’s wacky, but why not. You only live once, and I’m hoping Camilla is evicted only so I can ask her “why don’t you think you are dirty when you love to do a spit roast” 🙂