Archives For Bizarre

Cover me up?

admin —  June 20, 2006 — 3 Comments

A story of the Bizarre from the BBC:

tat girlRebecca Holdcroft likes to “express” herself through body art. However, she felt she was being discriminated against at work and contacted the BBC News website to express her point of view.

Even though she does not deal with the public face-to-face, her latest employers told her she must wear a cardigan to conceal her tattoos. And in the hot weather, this can get unbearable, she says…..

She says it is discrimination – even though the Citizens Advice Bureau and a solicitor have both told her there is no law to protect her.

“There are other people in the office that have tattoos, but not to the same extent. They aren’t being told to cover up.

“I can’t afford not to have a job so at the moment I comply with what work are asking. Even so, I’m not the only one in the office who thinks it is ridiculous.”

“The point I am trying to make is it’s not criminal to have tattoos.”

You know, I don’t have any piercings or tats, but I don’t disagree with people that do, but this women…well, it’s pretty in your face I’d think. An interesting conundrum.

Found myself today at the Gawker Jobs page…not quite sure how, but I did none the less (no, I’m not moving to the States…just did ok!) and I found this marketing job for Indeed. The requirements: a BA or BS for a marketing job! Like I mentioned on June 8, Google has similar requirements for a Marketing job, and I just don’t get it! What, are the only two degrees Americans can get a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science? How do either apply to a marketing job? In my case I’m to be bestowed (this year, my last exam results permitting…I did my final exam on Monday…and it’s only taken 12 years to get to this point) a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in E-Commerce and Marketing, which you’d think would be perfect for a e-commerce based marketing position…and yet it seems I wouldn’t get a look in for an American job…it’s got me beat…apparently American firms prefer people to have studied ancient history or the like!

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I suppose it’s a sign that homophobia isn’t allowed…but I suppose death is a bit harsh..

Gay song joke link to Kovco death (SMH)

Private Jacob Kovco could have killed himself while joking around with his pistol, an inquiry heard today….”The song we were singing was in a female, homosexual way…(It was) almost to say this is so gay I would rather be dead.”

According to Reuters:


The only sites I’m aware of at the moment running the pics of little Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt: Gawker Media’s Gawker and Defamer!

(via A Socialites Life)

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Google has an interesting variety of jobs on offer in it’s Australian office in Sydney (bit to far for me to commute 🙂 ), but what I do find interesting is that the requirements for most of them are either a Bachelor of Science, or a Bachelor of Arts….now I’m not going to attack anyone with a BA, but how in the world is a BA going to help Google if you studied Philosophy or Modern Art? Apparently a B.Business or B. Commerce doesn’t cut it at Google, after all, why would you want to have knowledge of business when your knowledge of Architecture, Ancient History, Drama, or even Peace and Conflict (see the UQ BA program here) makes you so much better suited to working for Google!

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Bloggers vs Time Inc.

admin —  June 8, 2006 — 1 Comment

The Gallery of the Absurd hits the mark again!


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As the old saying goes: Eat, Drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may die, or in this guys case, live to 110, from the BBC:

Britain’s oldest surviving war veteran has celebrated his 110th birthday at the Grand Hotel in Eastbourne….In the past Mr Allingham has put the key to his old age down to “cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women”.

Only in America, from CBS:

doburgerIt could be the world’s unhealthiest snack. The ultimate in fast-food indulgence is cooked up, not by a restaurant chain, but by a minor-league baseball club….It’s sweet like a doughnut, and then you’ve got the hamburger. You’ve read that right. It’s a burger with cheese and bacon, sandwiched between a Krispy Kreme doughnut – a heart attack waiting to happen. A burger so perfect, they say, tampering is discouraged.

Seems there is no longer an Australian Idol competition, just an Australian “American Idol” contestant. This story made news here last week, but I think Millsy never thought he’d be getting this much attention, just for fleeing Australia because he’s become more known for shagging Paris Hilton then his unremarkable singing career.

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Is this was Jenny Craig can do for you?

kirstie alley

(via Perez Hilton)