Archives For Bizarre reports on Lauren Huxley, a women severely attacked last year returning to the Spring Races. Simple story you might think, if it wasn’t for the caption under the picture:


An alleged attack?

WTF? Was it a love bite that put Lauren in hospital? Did she do it to herself? Alleged?!?! Someone call Media Watch Now! This is bloody disgraceful.

The Guardian reports on a chap getting two years and eight months in prisons for the crime of “hate speech”. Apparently the goose wrote some racially offensive stuff on a website. Get this, he got an additional 6 months for possession of kiddie porn! Yep, apparently in England using racial abuse is over 5 times worse than possession of kiddie porn! Now don’t get me wrong here, I’m not condoning for one minute what this guy wrote, but nearly 3 years in jail for it? There’s something very, very wrong in a society that jails people for speech, no matter how offensive it is, and at a rate 5x longer than a truly hideous crime against society: kiddie porn. Big Brother is here, and it looks like he’s a paedophile…and most likely black as well.

Germany menaced by giant bug

admin —  September 29, 2006 — 2 Comments


The Register reports on a giant bug menacing the German countryside.

The really odd thing for me is that it would appear that the satellite images were scanned. Scanned? weren’t they digital images to start with? is there a giant factory of Google Earth workerbees scanning satellite imagery for our enjoyment?


Interesting post over at Jensense. Apparently you can’t become a Qualified Company in the Google Advertising Professionals program if your company is in Canada. It appears that you can’t be a member of the program if your company is in Australia as well…and yet if your company is in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Burkina Faso or other stout African nations it’s not a problem as well. Indeed, you can even b based out of Iran and Syria and qualify, but not Australia nor Canada.

Stupid. Very, very stupid.



This article on SEO from Australian IT. As Threadwatch headlines it: “Australian IT Now Teaching SEO Tricks from 1997”. This from our national newspaper. Yikes. I some journalists wonder why people are moving away from the MSM to blogs and other alternative news sources.

Todays the 5th Anniversary of 9/11. Now read this:

CBS Corp. said on Saturday it would broadcast the documentary “9/11” on the Internet as well as the airwaves after several affiliates said they would delay or forgo the award-winning film because it includes profanity.

The documentary was produced by French filmmakers Gedeon and Jules Naudet and retired New York firefighter James Hanlon and has aired twice without incurring fines by U.S. regulators charged with enforcing broadcast decency standards.

CBS said affiliates that cover about 10 percent of the United States had decided not broadcast the program or would show it late at night…The American Family Association, which describes itself as a Christian organisation promoting traditional values, has called on CBS stations to forgo or delay the “9/11” broadcast.

Yep, they don’t want to broadcast what happened at the WTC because, god help us, someone might have actually sworn. And we aren’t talking about a movie, we’re talking about real life.

When the man becomes the blog

admin —  September 5, 2006 — 1 Comment

There’s a big blog conference in India this weekend according to ITWire, and the headline speaker: “Robert Scobleizer”. I kid you not. And in case they realise their error, here’s the screenshot:


Good luck to them none the less.

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AOL Data, OMG!

admin —  August 24, 2006 — 2 Comments

Check this and this out…both awful and extremely funny at the same time.

PS: no pics but content NSFW.

(via BlackHat-SEO Blog)


Screw You…and your trademark

admin —  August 22, 2006 — 1 Comment

From The Register:

“A businessman has failed to win the right to register the term “screw you” as a wide-ranging European trademark because it is offensive. It can be used, but only for goods sold in sex shops, the European trademark authority has ruled.”

According to Greywolf, the Chicken Noodle Soup Video is the next big thing in the States…can’t say I’ve heard of the Chicken Noodle Soup Video or Chicken Noodle Soup song for that matter, but here it is, the Chicken Noodle Soup Video!

Sort of Chicken Dance comes rap..sort of…bizarre.

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