Checking out AzoogleAds

admin —  November 8, 2006 — Leave a comment

Ive just got my acceptance email through for AzoogleAds (aff). Admitedly, I did have to jump through some hoops, and I’ve got to post some stuff to Canada as well to later recieve a payment (I’ll probably hold off till Monday, then I can post it locally :-)). I’ve heard some really good word of mouth for these guys lately, and whilst I’ve got accounts at various affiliate and advertising sites, I don’t recall having used them previously. First impressions, without having actually starting using some of the offers yet, is all positive. Easy to use interface and quick, unlike CJ in particular. With the advertisers offers there’s no xyz% or average payout type rubbish, you get a clear figure of the return you’ll get on a CPA basis. They’ve got a reasonable range of advertisers, it’s by no means the largest but it’s decent, various offers, with a strong range of ringtone sites in particular. I’ll report back in a couple of weeks once I’ve given a few of the offers a test run, but so far, so good.