IE7 is quick

admin —  December 3, 2006 — 1 Comment

Had to download the latest MS updates today…mainly because I was hoping they had bundled the WA Daylight Savings patch (they hadn’t). The download included IE7. I’m not totally convinced by it, but first thoughts in playing with it: it’s quick. Really quick, like twice as fast as Firefox quick on sites I regularly visit. It might be a glitch, we’ll see, but for once it bides well for a Microsoft product.

Last note: it’s 8pm as I type this, and the sun is still up, it’s the first day of Daylight Savings as part of Western Australia’s 3 year trial (the trial we had to have to make sure the curtains don’t fad and the cows all die, etc…). God bless daylight savings! But I guess there was never any question as to which way I’m going to vote at the referendum on the subject in 2009 anyway 🙂