I’ve Caught the Second Life Bug Again

admin —  October 2, 2007 — 2 Comments

I blame Cameron Reilly!

I’ve been spending more and more time in Second Life lately, mostly for researching TechCrunch posts (see coverage here) and then I noticed Cam had set up a HQ for The Podcast Network. I met up with Cam Friday night (still in Brisbane for the Australian Blogging Conference, the Chifley had a fairly decent net connection) in world and he took me for a tour of a design company where we sat in the board room and had a chat, then we teleported across to TPN HQ where we chatted with a couple of other people. It was like tasting blood, I’m hooked again.

So I’ve gone a bought some land, and unlike my 2005 forays this time I bought big, a 19,500 sqm mainland block with dual road frontage and water. Beautiful block. I’ve already started subdividing it to see if I can sell about half and cover my cost of buying the full block, which given the steal of about L$10/ sqm I should. Bought a house and am looking at a skyscraper for corporate space and rentals. I’ve also got an idea for a Second Life business which is sort-of Web 2.0 related: this won’t be my big startup but I can see it being a nice hobby on the side. I’ll send out some requests for permissions I need probably tomorrow. I should be shy at entering retail again after my last experience of socialism gone mad, but I’m a bit more confident on this one.

More as I go along.