Moving Time

admin —  February 8, 2008 — 9 Comments

The removalist (BTW that’s a real word, at least in Australia, ppl have asked me about that before) dropped off the boxes today for my move to Melbourne. Instead of coming Thursday they’re now coming Wednesday, which gives me 4 days to pack, lodge my business and personal tax returns with the accountant (March deadline), my December Quarter BAS, and deal with the various utility service providers.

I’m some what saddened by the move. November would have marked my 10th anniversary in Western Australia. I moved across here chasing the love of my life in 98, at the age of 23, despite having only ever visited the state once prior to moving. All my earthly belongings were packed in one big bag and a decent sized box (which meant my then Pentium 200MX PC and monitor). I’ve come an awful long way since. 5 jobs (although one was less than 6 months, so doesn’t really count) and my own business.?Ǭ† I’ve lived in Perth (Burswood and Inglewood), Mandurah (Dudley Park and Halls Head) and Bunbury (Eaton and Australind). We’ve owned 4 houses in that time, and rented 2.

There’s a lot to love about WA. Despite the now relatively expensive house prices, it still offers the ultimate life style amongst serious Australian cities (so not Adelaide, Darwin or Hobart). She who must be obeyed started her new job in Melbourne at the beginning of January, and as well as not coming with a car, it doesn’t come with a car parking space. Her first serious job when I first moved here didn’t come with a car, but despite being in the middle of the Perth CBD it had a car parking space, because in Perth most people still drive to work.

To this day I still marvel at the stars in WA. I grew up in Sydney, and I never knew (even during my 2 years in Queensland) that starts could be so bright, that the Milky Way actually looked milky to the naked eye, because here it is, where it never was over East.

In the last couple of years I’ve made some great friends and acquintances in Perth. People around my age and younger who follow and believe similar things to myself. It may sound a little strange, but it’s a wonderful thing spending time with people like that, particularly when you live in what is basically a country town like I do now. People who actually understand what you do….the amount of creative definitions I’ve come up with to explain it over the years…..

So although I’m probably here for a couple of more weeks (I’m hoping to get to one last Perth Bloggers meet up on the 20th), I bid Western Australia a fond farewell. Despite your flaws (lack of Sunday trading comes to mind), I really grew up here, and I’m a lucky man for the experience.