Riley gives in: buys an iPod

admin —  March 11, 2006 — Leave a comment

Yep, I’ve finally succumbed and bought an iPod, a little 1gb iPod Nano. She who must be obeyed will be annoyed. Music? what music, it’s straight across to The Podcast Network to subscribe to some quality podcasts. On the list so far: G’day World, The Media Center Show (note to Cameron, no subscribe with iTunes button for this podcast)….then off to the US, with Dave Winer’s Daily Coffee Notes, the Engadget Podcast, The Gilmour Gang and something call PodTechNews which sounded interesting. This should start me off.

First thoughts about the experience (I’m still downloading these at the moment).

The iPod Nano is so small it’s quite amazing. iTunes on the other hand sucks. It’s a slow as a wet weekend to use in terms of browsing. I mean I’ve got a reasonable broadband connection, and yet I’ve got to wait for each page to download like I’d gone back 5 years and was using dial up again.

Impressions on Podcasting pages: you guys need to make this as idiot proof as possible. If you know that the vast majority of people use iPods (79% ish market share roughly??), and therefore the VAST majority of them are going to be using iTunes, why the hell wouldn’t you all have a subscribe with iTunes button on your site? I’m totally new to iPod ownership so I’ve got NO IDEA as to how to use an RSS feed in iTunes, or even sync a Bloglines account with an iPod, and I’d be considered fairly knowledgeable compared to many I’d think. Remember KISS!