There’s still room at the table

admin —  November 1, 2006 — Leave a comment

Marshall Kirkpatrick interviews Andrew Anker from SixApart.

Interesting read, and where as I’d question some of SixApart’s business decisions in the past, I’m totally on board with Vox. Not only is it a great social networking and blogging platform, I still think the marketplace in terms of social networking isn’t saturated, and there is still room at the table. It is saturated though when it comes to MySpace clones, you’d be nuts doing a MySpace clone now, but Vox takes a different approach, in deed you can feel and see the blogging roots in the product. I guess from a marketing, or even promotional viewpoint is how do you then measure the demographics you’re appealing to, and wanting to sell to? I know Vox is a great product, but it’s not totally obvious to me what the core target demographic is. Same goes for a whole pile of other services as well. It’s not obvious, and hence it’s not always easy. Best of luck to the SixApart team on this one, and it will be interesting to watch how it goes over the next 6-12 months.


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