Why are TXT messages so expensive

admin —  March 29, 2007 — 1 Comment

Consumerist does the math on TXT messaging, and finds there is a 7314% markup in the US. Given Telstra/ Optus often charge 25c (AUD), sometimes more depending on the plan, the markup in Australia is even worse again. Of course a lot of it is due to the thieving all three major carriers partake in with network interchange fees. Why the ACCC hasn’t stepped in yet is beyond me, it’s a complete scam, in the same way bank interchange fees are for ATM’s, I pay $2.50 to use a non Police and Nurses ATM, and yet there is only one for the entire South West of Western Australia, and half the time the bloody thing is out of order….but get this, if I was over 55 I wouldn’t pay a cent with a over 55’s account. Lets hope the incoming Labor Government has strengthening the powers of the ACCC high up on their list of priorities.